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* Has ROGE, the Doge that went Rogue, finally found his home in the ETH community?
* ROGE works by applying a 1% fee to each transaction and instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the token.
* The smart contract is complete at launch. There was no ICO, no pre-sale, and no fundraising of any kind.
* There are no more features to add. There is no individual or team to be relied upon to give ROGE any value.
* ROGE is independent, and is owned by no one. The contract is provided as-is.
* Initial liquidity of 1 ETH will be provided by the founder.
* 50% of the liquidity tokens will be sent to the burn adddress, 50% to Vitalik Buterin himself.
* Anti-whale protocol dictates that no more than 2% of the supply can be bought or sold in a transaction.
* To all ETH community! This token is yours to own and to market.
* Devs will own no tokens. The community will have to create their own Telegram group and to market ROGE.
* The fate of the Rogue Doge is in your hands! As a true community token, it is you who decide whether ROGE will find a new home! */
DEXTOOLS: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x2632ec29eddca8868355bca24f98a8a8123ad471
UNISWAP: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x45734927fa2f616fbe19e65f42a0ef3d37d1c80a
CONTRACT: 0x45734927fa2f616fbe19e65f42a0ef3d37d1c80a